The 3 secret technical tips for optimised steel concrete composite floor beams are discussed below for the benefit of steel designers. These are particularly applicable for commercial buildings, storage spaces, departmental shops , car park etc with more column-free areas. The tips to enjoy major advantages of composite steel beam over naked steel beam for the same span and loading are as below:
As a flexure/bending member, the least section area for a naked steel beam happens when the web area equals half of total area of section and other half are is equally distributed in top and bottom flanges. Thus Atotal = 2Aw, and Aw=2Af where Aw is the area of web, Af is the area of each of top and bottom flange to resist design moment, ie. A =Aw+2Af. In other words, web resists 25% of BM and each of Flange resists 75% of BM either in compression or tension. Of course, serviceability criteria to be looked into separately by providing appropriate second moment of inertia (I) required for rigidity and stiffenes in order to control deflection.
Non-Composite Section and Composite Section |
Let us take an example of a steel floor beam of Span L=10m and total DL+LL as udl w = 20kN/m. Assuming this is a simply supported beam having only shear connections between columns
Span Moment M = 0.125(wL^2) = 250kNm so Mweb = 62.5 kNm. Mflange = 187.5 kNm
If t is the thickness and d is the depth of web and limiting the Allowable Stress in steel(Fs) to 206MPa for Yst=350MPA steel we get Fs.(t.d^2)/6 = Mweb which gives, d = 477mm when t is 8mm assumed.
Select 480x8 web plate. Aw = 3840 mm^2 = 2Af, Top and Bottom Flange Each 165x12 thick. A = 7800 mm^2, and I = 313418883 mm^4
Serviceability Check: Mid span deflection y = (ML^2)/(10EI) = 40.5mm almost Span/250
Hence provided least steel beam section area A = 7800 mm^2 ie. weight@61 kg/m
Let us design the steel concrete composite beam for same loading, span and BM. From strength point of view, the section modulas of composite beam is always more than 50% greater than the steel only beam because the neutral axis mostly lies in concrete flange which means same sterngth is achieved by reducing the web depth by 22.5 to 20%. Web depth in composite section = 0.8x480 = 385mm. Hence height saving in floor zone = 480-385 = 95mm and savings in web area = 0.2x3840 = 768 mm^2.
Composite Steel Beam with Metal Decking & Studs |
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